Investment Fund Recovery:

Services For Creditors in Matters of Investment Default and Fraud

Investors seek a profitable and stable return on their investment. This is not always available in their home country. Globalization and the digital revolution furthers access to alternative markets and exotic investment strategies. Legitimate opportunities sometimes produce disappointing results. Impermissible and illegal activities often fail. Both outcomes leave creditors in despair. Under normal circumstances, investment losses come at the expense of the investor. Sometimes, investment opportunities contain capital guarantees, and participate in government supported investor guarantee schemes. Still, failure requires action by victims.

Supporting a pragmatic approach to investment fund recovery, Legal Floris LLC collaborates with several international legal specialists to ensure global coverage. As such, opaque business structures in unconventional jurisdictions, used to depart investors from their assets can be unraveled. Alongside private action via civil and out of court remedies, cooperation is sought with public authorities. This approach combines different strategies to come to maximum recovery for investors in arduous fraud cases and financial crime.

Wronged and defrauded investors can seek relief in different ways when losses fall outside the scope of the investment mandate. Depending on the jurisdiction, civil torts or criminal acts may lead to justifiable legal action against the wrongdoer. However, legal battles are lengthy and have unpredictable outcomes. Hence the reason that investment fund recovery requires a well thought and efficient strategy that leaves no stone unturned. A common defence in criminal proceedings is the lack of criminal intent. Therefore, civil action by public authorities is often more efficient and thus commendable.